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iso certification

Is displaying of ISO Logo on ISO Certification is legal ?

It has been a general query regarding the use of ISO logo in an ISO Certification. This topic is just meant for an awareness purpose on legality of the same. First, we need to understand basic 3 things to crack this issue: ISO — Accreditation — Certification

ISO or International Organization for Standardization is an independent non-government organization for the development of different standardizations. ISO only develop international standards for product, service or system, but are not involved in their certifications, and do not issue certificates. This is performed by external certification bodies and issuing organizations in different countries.

Accreditation is the formal recognition by an independent body, known as Accreditation Body, that a certification body operates according to international standards. That is a certification body need to be accredited by a Accreditation Body.

Certification is the provision by an independent body of written assurance through a certificate that the product, service or system in question meets specific requirements of standardization.

Now as declared by ISO ( Registered Logos of ISO may be accessed from:,trademarks%20are%20well%2Dknown%20trademarks.

Use of ISO Logo is restricted to only ISO members and ISO Technical Committees

ISO TCs ( are not any certifying organizations, but the primary purpose of technical committees is to assist the board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities on specific technical matters which are beyond the scope or expertise of non-technical board members. TCs

On the other hand, ISO Members is recognized authorities on standards each one representing one country. They meet annually at a General assembly to discuss the strategic objectives of ISO. For example, BIS represents India as ISO member in ISO.

Thus, in ISO certifications one cannot use the ISO logo as

  • ISO only develop international standards, but are not involved in their certifications, and do not issue certificates. This is performed by external certification bodies and issuing organizations in different countries.
  • Also, ISO itself restricted the use their registered logos to ISO members and TCs only.

So, to be 100% complaint, a certifying organization cannot display an ISO logo on its certification. Thus, it’s desirable to display the logos of Accreditation Body and Certifying Organization in an ISO Certification. If any certifying organization using ISO logo in a certification, it does link ISO in certification which is not true and it is unauthorized. Also, if anyone using ISO written logo other than registered Trademarks of ISO, then that logo/design not at all represents “International Organization for Standardization”



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