A mandatory for all Directors and Designated Partners
DIN (Director Identification Number) is a unique Identification Number allotted to an individual who is appointed /proposed to be appointed as a director of a company or designated partner in a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP). From the financial year 2019-2020 onwards, it becomes mandatory for every directors or designated partners who has been allotted a DIN on or before the end of the financial year and whose DIN is in approved status, will have to ensure his/her DIN KYC done through e-form DIR 3 KYC before 30th September of the immediately next financial year.
Reason for DIN KYC and benefits
The main motive behind the filing of DIR 3 KYC form is to conduct annual KYC of all company and LLP directors to ensure proper governance. This will update the Ministry of Corporate Affairs database of all directors having DIN. Earlier an one time form, thus made mandatory to reflect current status of each directors and designated partners of MCA portal.
Consequences of not filing e-Form DIR 3 KYC within the specified date
In case the director who is supposed to file the Form does not file it by 30th September on MCA 21 portal, the department will mark the DIN of such director as ‘Deactivated due to Non-filing of DIR-3 KYC’. If the director wishes to re-activate his DIN in future by filing the missed out Form DIR-3 KYC, he can do so after paying a late fee of Rs 5000.This fee should be payable on after 30th September of the year in which the Form DIR-3 is to be filed. This form needs to be filled annually by the directors.
Categories of DIR 3 KYC filing
Based on the requirements of clients, DIN KYC can be categorized in two ways:
- Filing of DIN KYC for the first time or in cases where the director or designated partner wants to update some details in their DIN KYC submitted earlier.
- Filing of DIN KYC where any DIN holder who has already submitted e-Form DIR-3 KYC in any of the previous financial years and who does not require an update in any of his KYC details.
Documents required for filing e-Form DIR3 KYC with updation
- Details of Nationality
- Voters ID/Passport/Driving License
- Aadhar Card
- Personal e-mail ID and mobile number.
- Proof of Residential address
- Digital Signature
- Declaration and Attestation from CA, CS or Cost Accountant.
DIN KYC without any updation - DIR 3 KYC Web
Any DIN holder who has already submitted e-Form DIR-3 KYC in any of the previous financial years and who does not require an update in any of his KYC details as submitted may perform his annual KYC by accessing the DIR-3 KYC web service.
Form DIR-3 KYC WEB is simply to verify the data filled by the DIN holder in his previous year’s e-Form DIR-3 KYC.
What our customer say

Susanta Paul
CEO – Bengal Trading
“TRUSTLINK is very trustworthy organization and it works very fast at a reasonable service charge. I got all the licenses for my startup company, Bengal Trading with the help of TRUSTLINK”

Debajyoti Datta
Director – Lokopali Healthcare Private Limited
“We found them very much Responsible and Co-operative”

Dr Mukhtar Ahmed
“Customer Service, Relation, Behavior & Nominal Fee, I am Really Happy”

Abul Kashem Sahani
Chief Functionary – Sundarban Multiple Disability and Poor People Foundation
” Never visited their office, but a strong relationship developed over years. My NGO is created and maintained by TRUSTLINK”

Akash Dutta
Co-Founder – Adorable Vacation LLP
“Best experience !!! Team TRUSTLINK helped us in our LLP incorporation. Hassle free service with top quality supervision. Highly recommended”

Prabir Kumar Bose
Founder Director – Vaibhavi Shaambhavi Foundation
“Great experience working with them. They’re truly amazing service given unit…… I love there works..❤️”

Anjan Mallick
CEO – Mhelp Technologies
“TRUSTLINK is providing very good service with affordable price. Very trustworthy organisation to deal with”

Imtiaz Ahmed Molla
MD – Whelm International Pvt Ltd
“TRUSTLINK has an excellent team and the service delivery performance is outstanding”